about us
Kinder Shores is an arts based charity started by retired social worker Jenni Randall to raise funds to provide support services for young people and young adults who have spent their childhood in local authority care. These services will be provided initially in the Norfolk area.
Kinder Shores was launched in 2018 with the production and launch of a CD and launch concert. In 2019 we had the production of a very successful play of the same name at Sheringham Little Theatre. In the future, we are planning to hold an art exhibition called No Colours for my Coat by Yusuf Paul McCormack exploring his time in care as a child. If you can help with a venue for this - please get in touch.
The aims of Kinder Shores Arts are:
to raise awareness and understanding about the lived experience of those whose childhood has been spent in care by supporting arts based events.
to give the opportunity to care experienced young people and adults to explore their story through the arts and to share this with the public.
through increased understanding, bring improvements to the way we parent out children in public care.
to raise monies to support these artistic endeavours.
'I believe passionately that the arts in all forms can bring those of us who have not had the experience of a shattered childhood closer to the real emotion and humanity of those who are care experienced. Helping that understanding may then bring improvements in the way we parent in that very public environment. The experience of care is always there throughout adult life as it is with all our childhood experiences.'
Jenni Randall
'When you have no parent, no family, no one to lean on, no one to be there for you... It’s huge.'
Christi - a care leaver
'We are not only the negative statistics that fuel media and societies beliefs, that my friend is the result of system failures! We are the majority who have successfully turned the expected statistics on their head, shook them and got on with life, yet rarely get spoken about or heard.'
P. Yusuf
'So set a course for Kinder Shores...
And may your path be true.'
Eric Sedge